Doing soft article promotion is not a whim, but a long-term persistence


In the current situation where offline is difficult, many companies are aware of the importance of online promotion, and advertisment promotion is a cost-effective way of online promotion, which is deeply loved by enterprises. As a publisher for ten years, the media bar has something to say here, and I hope it can inspire everyone to publish soft articles.

Why should the promotion of soft articles persist for a long time?

Although there are some high-weight media or news source media that publish press releases, it can bring instant effects, but it is impossible to expect a few articles to see the effect immediately, because the few keywords covered by the articles will not have a particularly large effect, of course. You can also see the effect of quickly getting rankings. In addition, at the beginning of the release, the news source media will be displayed on the homepage of Baidu, the information column will be displayed, and will be reprinted by major media at the same time, so you can see a good effect at the beginning of the release, but Ajing believes that the power of the soft article is that long-lasting effect.

  1. Cover many keywords

Although soft articles can get traffic from the media platforms they publish, more traffic comes from search engines, and there are fewer articles published at the beginning and less keywords covered, so the traffic will be relatively small. The more articles you have, and the more keywords you cover, the more traffic will come from the search, and the later effect will be more obvious.

  1. The soft paper will exist for a long time

Ads will exist on the Internet for a long time, which is very powerful, so that users can continuously bring traffic when they search for keywords on Baidu, not for a few days or months, but for years and months. Compared with bidding information Streaming and other delivery methods, the role of press releases is longer. Imagine, when your company publishes more press releases and covers more keywords, the articles can exist for a long time, and you can passively acquire customers even if you don’t promote them later. It can be said that It is a once and for all promotion method, and the price is very high in the long run.

  1. The promotion of soft articles is not in a hurry

Because the promotion of soft articles wants to see the effect, we must first consider Baidu's inclusion. Baidu may include 5 of 10 articles, and only two of the 5 articles may be ranked, and only one may be ranked on the home page. Of course, this One article will also have a certain effect, but you can't expect this one to have a great effect. For companies that want to quickly see the effect through the press release, it is recommended to send high-weight media, with a weight of 5 or more, news source The media is better, so the speed of seeing the effect will be faster, but still the same sentence, don’t expect three articles of five or ten or eight articles to see a great effect, and if you want to promote soft articles, stick to it for a long time.

  1. The promotion of soft articles is powerful

For small businesses or individuals, the cash flow is relatively tight, and they can get deals through press releases. For companies that want to survive for a long time, press releases are a must, not only to promote products, but also to promote brand awareness and improve the brand value, and can also promote corporate cultural values, etc. When an enterprise establishes its image through soft-text marketing, it is very helpful for the later operation of the enterprise.

To sum up, for the promotion of press releases, for those who want to see the effect quickly, send them to high-weight media or news source media. If you want to promote the company for a long time, then be prepared for a protracted war, because the role of press releases is to moisten things. Silent, it can imperceptibly drive users to make decisions.

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