Pet raising experience: how long does it take for dogs to deworm their bodies


Whether you have a dog or a cat, it is common sense that pets must be dewormed. However, some novice pet owners do not know how to deworm dogs and how often they should be dewormed. Then, based on my pet-raising experience, I will share the precautions for deworming in dogs and the time interval. New pet owners can learn and reference.

  1. Deworming time

Due to the problems of living habits and physiological structure, it is easier for dogs to breed parasites in their bodies, so they need to be dewormed regularly. In fact, deworming dogs also needs to be carried out according to their age. If it is a puppy, it is recommended to deworm it once every 1 to 2 months.

If you are raising adult dogs, it is recommended to be once every 3 to 4 months. If you often have the habit of eating raw meat, it is best to deworm your body once every three months.

  1. Physical examination before deworming

Before deworming your dog, you should also check your dog's body. If the dog is in the stage of illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, anemia, allergies, etc., the body cannot be dewormed at will, and it is prone to danger. After conditioning the dog's body, it should be dewormed in a healthy state. In addition, dogs that have just been vaccinated or have changed to a new environment cannot be dewormed immediately. It needs to be observed for 5-7 days, and there is no stress response before deworming.

  1. Medication and care after deworming

Deworming drugs for dogs are mainly used for pets, such as Miaowangqing pet, which has a good effect on common intestinal worms, such as roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms. It is recommended to deworm the dog 3 hours after the meal, which can reduce the irritation of the drug to the stomach.

In addition, after the deworming, the pet owner should also observe the dog's reaction, because some dogs may have mild vomiting, diarrhea, shivering and other reactions after deworming, which is normal. You can feed your dog some Wang Yi system to help stabilize the intestinal flora and reduce stress.


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