What are the common mistakes in the media promotion process


In fact, media promotion is also often referred to as the promotion of soft articles, because the media are basically dominated by soft articles. As a witness in the publishing industry for many years, it can be said that I have seen too many wrong cases. Today, this article will introduce to you. , so that everyone can understand more clearly, and do not make the same mistakes again, so that the media promotion can be done better.

What are the common mistakes in the media promotion process

1. Don't know your peers

In fact, understanding your peers should be the first thing to do in promotion. Don't promote like a headless fly. It doesn't make much sense. You don't even know your own advantages and the advantages and disadvantages of your peers. What's the point of pushing? To understand, so as to know which aspects of your own products or services are better in the market, so that you can focus on making efforts in the process of promotion, and you must learn to hide the relative disadvantages and focus on promoting yourself. advantages rather than disadvantages.

2. The theme is not clear

Before writing a soft article, you must have a clear theme. For example, your article is to deal with the cost-effectiveness of a certain computer, or to explain the cost to users, or to explain other needs of users. There must be a core point to write. , instead of writing something here and there, to make users feel confused and confused, so that the bounce rate will be higher, and it is difficult to achieve the purpose of conversion, there is a clear theme, and what problems are mainly dealing with the user group, If it is the rigid demand of the user, it will be better, and if it gives the value that the user wants to know, the conversion will naturally not be bad.

3. Too long

Length is something that many people don’t care about when writing articles. In fact, this is also very important, because now is a fast-paced era. If the content of the article is too long, users will not be in the mood to finish reading and then close the page, which will naturally fail to convert, of course. Too short is not enough, because too little content not only fails to satisfy users, but also the search engine index rate is very low.

4. Don’t pay attention to the title

Many people think that the article is well written, and the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. In fact, this view is wrong, because the title is not attractive, the click-through rate is low, and the click-through rate is low, and the content of the article is less, so the conversion will naturally be Not good, so an attractive headline is still important not to ignore. A good title can not only gain favor on media platforms, but also get good clicks on search engines, which will naturally have a great advantage in the competition.

The above four points are a few issues that should not be ignored in the process of media promotion. Do you know if anyone has been recruited? In the future, you should pay attention in the promotion process. If you want to know more about the promotion of soft articles, please continue to pay attention. Ten years of experience will keep you from getting lost.

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