Why do companies prefer to conduct promotional activities through press releases?


With the improvement of corporate awareness, it is known that customers are not waiting, but obtained through publicity activities. Therefore, corporate promotion is the way to survive now, whether it is online promotion or offline promotion, offline promotion in the past two years because of The objective reason is very difficult, and there are many forms of online promotion, such as bidding, information flow, package time advertising, etc., but when it comes to the more cost-effective form of promotion, then there is no doubt that it is the promotion of soft articles.

This is also the reason why many companies choose soft text marketing for promotion. Of course, there are still many benefits of soft text promotion. Today, this article will give you a detailed introduction, so that you can fully understand, and then get more in the follow-up promotion process. good effect.

Why do companies prefer to carry out promotional activities through press releases?

No. 1: The soft article promotion price is lower

Offline promotion is basically in units of 10,000, and it is impossible to measure the effect of promotion. The consumption of manpower and material resources is very large, and online promotion, taking the bidding information flow as an example, costs at least tens of thousands of yuan. And the effect is not easy to say, and one of the disadvantages of promotion forms such as bidding information flow is that it is only possible to see the effect when it is launched, and it will have no effect immediately after the launch. It is an instant effect, in other words In other words, if the effect is poor when it is put in, then it is a pure loss of money.

And the price of advertisment promotion is very low. Generally, it only takes a few tens of dollars to publish an article in the media, a small media can publish an article for a few yuan, and some two or three yuan can be published on the self-media platform. This price is very low. Yes, any company can afford it, and the long-term existence of the published press releases will have a long-term effect.

No. 2: soft essays are more popular

Compared with other hard advertisements, soft articles are more popular. In fact, think about it, whether it is offline promotion or online bidding information flow and other forms of promotion, they are all hard advertisements, and they are all imposed on users. It will cause discomfort to users, and conversions will naturally be lower. The advantage of advertisment is that the implantation is softer and will not cause discomfort to users. Sometimes users will not even notice that it is an advertisement, and users will think that it is just a simple edit. Sharing means that soft articles will play a role in moisturizing things silently.

Compared with hard advertisements, soft articles can contribute more value, because soft articles can provide users with value. For example, users want to know the price and evaluation of a certain mobile phone, etc., we can solve users' doubts in soft articles. After users understand the knowledge they want to know, they will naturally be more satisfied. At this time, if the article has appropriate soft implantation, the conversion will be higher for users.

No. 3: The role of soft text marketing is more lasting

This is also a big reason why companies choose to do advertisment marketing. Compared with other forms of promotion that don't work immediately after the advert is over, advertorial articles can be seen not only when they are put out, but after the advertisment is completed, because advertorial articles can exist on the Internet for a long time, so It can continuously bring in passenger traffic. After being indexed by Baidu and other search engines, it can bring passive traffic almost every day. If there are more soft text keywords covered in the same industry, then the passive traffic will be more. Even if you don’t post any more in the later period, it will bring passive traffic continuously, which can be said to be done once and for all. No other form of promotion can achieve this effect.

Therefore, if an enterprise wants to develop for a long time, whether it is to promote products, increase brand awareness, or increase corporate awareness, etc., it is very necessary to carry out the promotion of soft articles. It is necessary to continue to send them out. In the long run, the effect will be immeasurable.

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