How does personal self-media attract and promote: which self-media platforms and how to realize it


Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoyu

What I’m going to share with you today is how we channelize, promote, acquire customers and monetize on so many platforms in the media.

The process of finding customers is the process of our promotion and drainage. Simply put, it is to use specific channels and methods to direct traffic to the place you need to deal, and traffic is the most important part of the transaction, so solving the traffic problem is the top priority of promotion.

Doing business online is a business of traffic, and traffic is the essence of all business. When there is traffic, there are customers, when there are customers, there are transactions, and when there are transactions, there is income. Therefore, traffic is king.

With the changes of the times and the rise of the Internet, the traditional marketing model is being gradually subverted by new media marketing. Internet marketing can spread useful information to the target audience more quickly and effectively through the Internet, solving the singleness and limitations of traditional marketing, opening In order to develop a larger marketing market, it is possible to communicate with people in different regions at the same time, and acquiring customers through the Internet has become a new trend for enterprises to acquire customers.

The way of attracting and promoting is actually diversified, not just carried out in a single channel. The traffic characteristics of each platform are different. Choosing a platform to find customers must be based on the exact matching degree of traffic, and a more accurate traffic conversion rate will be higher. , so the drainage is not blind addition and promotion, only by choosing the most suitable platform and method for one's own products, in order to achieve the best drainage effect.

What are the platforms for promotion?

1. Tencent Department

Tencent's drainage platform has been popular for a long time, and it is the preferred platform for many small partners to promote drainage. It is mainly divided into: qq group, qq space, qq mailbox, qq interest tribe, qq classroom, WeChat group, WeChat public platform, WeChat Moments, Shake it, Drift Bottle, People Nearby, Tencent Weibo, Tencent Video, etc.

2. Baidu Department

Baidu's drainage platforms mainly include: Baidu Tieba, Baidu Know, Baidu Wenku, Baijia Experience, Baijia Account, Website SEO, News Feed, etc.

3. Ali Department

Ali-based drainage platforms mainly include: Taobao Live, Taobao Store, Taobao Shopping Review, Weitao, Xianyu, Business Jing, Ali Blog, Ali Forum, Alipay Moments, etc.

4. Sina Department

Sina’s drainage platforms mainly include: Sina Weibo, blogs, forums, keyword optimization, soft article writing, etc.

5. Short video

The main drainage platforms for short videos are: Douyin, Kuaishou, Watermelon, Volcano, Good-looking Videos, etc.

6. Social apps

The drainage platforms of social application software mainly include: Momo, Tantan, Maimai, soul, etc.

7. Multi-user social software

The main drainage platforms of multi-user social software are: Zhihu, Tianya, Douban, Maopu, Meiyou, Baobaoshu, Xici Hu, etc.

8. Portal We Media

The main traffic drainage platforms of portal self-media are: iQiyi, Youku, Tudou, Toutiao, Bilibili, Sohu, Netease, Phoenix, etc.

9. Same-city service

The main traffic drainage platforms for intra-city services include: Meituan, Dianping,,, Ganji, etc.

Drainage promotion is divided into paid promotion and free promotion. Both promotion methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Paid drainage is fast, but the cost is high; free drainage is slow, but free, and the risk is almost zero. The focus of the two is different, so there is no good or bad, we can use a combination of the two in the promotion process.

The ultimate direction of promotion and drainage is to form your own private domain traffic library. With traffic, you can do anything. Today's Internet is the world of traffic. Accurate drainage will make transactions easier. If you understand the truth that traffic is king, you can create better income.

The ultimate purpose of learning drainage is to attract traffic to actively add you. In fact, drainage is not difficult. As long as you work hard, your efforts will always pay off.

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