Taobao's new store suddenly has no visitors, what's the matter?


For merchants who have just opened Taobao stores, it is a terrible thing that the store has no visitors. Only with visitors can merchants have the confidence to operate the store. However, some merchants found that the store suddenly had no visitors during the operation of the store. What is this? The reason? Next, we will explain this to you.

  1. Check whether there are any violations in the store? For example, false transactions, complaints and disputes, and fake sales will lead to a sudden decrease in Taobao visitors.

  2. The title, picture and details of the main baby in the main stream have been changed. Your changes will make Taobao re-listed, which will affect the weight! Here again, we remind the drainage models that have a certain popularity and sales, do not make big changes easily. If you must change, make subtle adjustments step by step. It is very important to write a popular baby title.

  3. Competitors' promotions or events affect your traffic. At this time, do you have to make corresponding adjustments to find out if others have big promotions? Are there homogeneous products? Are there homogeneous products and A product with a lower price than ours appears? Does the other party have a more eye-catching main image? Most of the time, competition is one of the important reasons for the sudden decrease in Taobao visitors.

How does Taobao's new store increase visitors?

  1. Optimize baby pictures

Due to the particularity of online stores, most of the baby information that customers come into contact with when shopping are pictures, and pictures are also a more intuitive way to understand. This also determines the important role of the picture. The main image has always been a major factor affecting the click-through rate of babies. To stimulate the interest of customers, a clear and beautiful main image is essential.

  1. Product labeling

Label your baby. If it is a new store or new product, there is no label. Without the labeling system, you cannot match traffic to your store, so there will be fewer visitors, and others will not know what you are selling. How to buy, you can find some accurate through Taobao Express Word drainage, label the baby.

  1. Use Taobao Guest

Taobao customer promotion is a common promotion method for Taobao merchants. Merchants have to pay a fee to utilize Taobao customers for promotions, and they have to pay a fee for each order. Merchants can directly enter the Taobao seller center, then find the marketing center on the page, find "I want to promote" in the marketing center, and directly select Taobao customers here.

  1. Order in moderation

Ordering is not a blind order. For example, if you need to increase the weight of a certain baby, you can ask the ordering staff to search for the title keyword of this baby, and then search to find the baby, browse, and buy. Note that only by placing an order in search can increase the weight of the baby, so that when natural users search for this word, the baby's ranking will be higher, and the natural search traffic will gradually increase.

Taobao's new store can't be in a hurry when it comes to increasing the number of visitors to the store. We must do a good job of the store's foundation, ensure the quality of products, and then promote it to be effective, otherwise it will only get twice the result with half the effort! Finally, I hope this article can help everyone!

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