Network anchors work hard to show off their wealth for traffic, experts: packaging marketing promotion is suspected of illegal


Rule of Law Daily

"In addition to the house, car and fixed deposit, I still have several million yuan of working capital, which I can spend as I like." "I have a villa in Guangdong, a villa in Hainan, and a 700-square-meter villa in Jilin. , there are still seven or eight luxury cars, let’s PK, if I win, will my son marry your daughter? Not enough, I will add another 10 million yuan as a dowry”... On the short video platform, the anchors are staging one show after another. Rich "famous scene". In the message, some people are very disgusted with this behavior of showing off their wealth; some people are bluntly envious and hope that they can become such a "rich man". A reporter from the "Rules of Law Daily" recently searched the short video platform and found that there are a lot of rich bloggers. They use luxury life as a selling point, some for pure show off, and some for profit by showing off their wealth to drain traffic and implant advertisements. Experts interviewed by reporters believe that some bloggers advertise money worship and hedonism in order to attract traffic, causing young people to imitate consumption and show off, seriously endangering the network ecology, and it is urgent to strengthen governance. Short videos show off wealth, and corruption affects the three views"Do you have 5,000 yuan? Do you have 30,000 yuan? Have you seen 130,000 yuan? Have you seen more than 2 million yuan? 40 million yuan, look good, I am 40 million yuan." A female anchor used His finger was blocking the account balance of a certain payment software, and he moved to the left little by little, showing off to the audience. Li Jie from Yibin, Sichuan bluntly said that he was very disgusted with such videos of showing off his wealth. "These rich show anchors are either upstarts, for fear that others will not know they are rich, or deliberately arouse the jealousy of others, hype them up, or rely on showing off their wealth to satisfy their vanity." Li Jie said. The reporter randomly interviewed dozens of people in Beijing, Tianjin, Sichuan and other places. Except for a few people who think that showing off their wealth online is a harmless way for successful people to show their private life, most people are opposed to showing off their wealth online. According to Zeng Chi, a researcher at the Center for Journalism and Social Development of Renmin University of China, sharing one's life on the Internet belongs to freedom of speech in a broad sense, and is naturally legal in law; but showing off and sharing are two different behaviors." Sharing is based on the partnership between us, I give you what I have, and showing off is that you can only see, but not have, and even have a hierarchical emotion of envy and attachment to me.” Zeng Chi believes that young audiences lack a critical cognition of wealth, and are prone to envy the superior situation of those who show off their wealth, resulting in a comparison mentality that is not in line with their age, family situation and due virtues; adult audiences are prone to form jealousy and resentment. . According to Li Nan, a teacher from a middle school in Suzhou, Anhui Province, some students in his class are addicted to watching videos showing off their wealth, fantasizing about "making a lot of money and spending a lot of money like an anchor." "Showing off wealth on the Internet will have a huge impact on the values ​​of young people, and it is easy for young people to form the wrong mentality of profit-seeking, and create a superficial and unconfident personality psychology." Li Nan said. Packaging marketing may not be really rich, harvesting traffic for profitIt is worth noting that the reporter's investigation found that although some bloggers use luxury life as a selling point to display improperly, their experience of high-end consumer goods is real; some bloggers use marketing hype to package themselves as a luxury product. People with money hope to make money by showing off their wealth. Industry insiders told reporters that some bloggers initially published videos mainly about visiting cheap restaurants such as barbecues, snacks, and hot pot. The traffic was tepid. The number of likes quickly jumped to hundreds of thousands. Then the blogger began to focus on making high-end catering and hotel exploration videos, "7. 50,000 yuan to stay in a hotel for one night", "1.99 million yuan for confinement", "10,000 yuan for haircut"... The traffic increased sharply. The reporter noticed that after the traffic increased, the above-mentioned bloggers would put car sales in the video , selling houses, or selling watches. This is not an isolated case. Many bloggers have adopted such strategies to make showing off their wealth a traffic password, and then implant advertisements. Several short video bloggers revealed that they are not interested in advertising. The quotations for promotion and promotion range from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands of yuan, and some more in-depth cooperation costs are "not capped". Some industry insiders revealed that some bloggers developed offline projects in the video of showing off their wealth, and they wanted to buy rich people. Cars and people who want to become rich join the team, attracting many people to borrow money to participate in so-called money-making projects. There are also bloggers who seize the audience’s desire to get rich, claiming in the video that they can “teach you how to become fans and cash out”, absorb The trainees are charged for training. Zhang Xiaoyi from Zhanjiang, Guangdong was attracted by such a video not long ago - a blogger told users in the live broadcast that he had made a lot of money on the short video platform, and he had returned from his studies. Together, the students showed screenshots of their income, ranging from several hundred thousand yuan to several million yuan, and kept showing off their luxury cars and mansions, claiming that each meal would cost tens of thousands of yuan. , the official platform certification, one week results, 28 places, one month later you can be the same as us. The blogger shouted loudly. Zhang Xiaoyi was moved, and spent 3,990 yuan to sign up. One week after signing up, the other party sent some materials and video editing courses. From beginning to end, he did not see any "famous teachers" to help guide the creation Millions of fans account, the other party has not asked him about his situation, or even knows his account. "Isn't this a fraudulent act of drawing big cakes in the live broadcast room? Zhang Xiaoyi said indignantly after finding out that he had been cheated. In fact, the reporter found that, on the e-commerce platform, it only needs to spend more than 10 yuan to buy a large number of materials for the creation of high-end Moments, such as luxury goods, luxury cars and mansions, Balance bills, travel and leisure, and even helicopter purchase records, etc. Just to prove personal assets, there are stock income charts, sales records, and screenshots of bank transfers of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars. Some stores will also provide editing tutorials and copywriting. If the buyer does not know how to operate, they can also pay the seller to operate it on their behalf. In addition to virtual materials, it is also very convenient to counterfeit physical luxury goods. Also on e-commerce platforms, spending dozens of You can buy car keys for all kinds of luxury cars for only 10 yuan; you can rent famous bags, famous cars, and luxury houses of various brands to take photos with a cost ranging from tens to thousands of yuan. The store will also provide editing tutorials and copywriting. If the buyer doesn’t know how to operate, they can also pay the seller to operate it on their behalf. In addition to virtual materials, counterfeiting of physical luxury goods is also very convenient. Also on the e-commerce platform, you can buy car keys for various luxury cars for tens of yuan; for tens to thousands of yuan, you can rent famous bags, famous cars, and luxury houses of various brands to take photos. The store will also provide editing tutorials and copywriting. If the buyer doesn’t know how to operate, they can also pay the seller to operate it on their behalf. In addition to virtual materials, counterfeiting of physical luxury goods is also very convenient. Also on the e-commerce platform, you can buy car keys for various luxury cars for tens of yuan; for tens to thousands of yuan, you can rent famous bags, famous cars, and luxury houses of various brands to take photos.Fake advertisements that show off their wealth are illegal, and supervision and identification are followed up in a timely manner"Many bloggers who show off their wealth actually take advertising expenses and do commercial promotion and advertising marketing, such as jewelry, buffets, etc." said Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law. According to the Advertising Law and other regulations, advertising It should be identifiable and allow consumers to recognize it as an advertisement, but most of the rich show videos are not marked as advertisements, and people do not know what is commercial promotion and what is real life, "It's a typical violation of the law to mix it up. Behavior". He proposed that the act of showing off wealth can increase the attention of bloggers and expand their sense of satisfaction, so this shortcut to fame is constantly copied and imitated. For short video platforms to show off their wealth and chaos, relevant departments should vigorously rectify and purify cyberspace in a timely manner. The reporter noticed that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently jointly issued the "Code of Conduct for Internet Anchors", which explicitly prohibits 31 kinds of behaviors including enticing and rewarding, overeating, showing off wealth and paying money; Since April this year, a three-month special campaign of "Cleanliness and Remediation of Chaos in the Field of Live Webcasts and Short Videos" has been launched, focusing on rectifying the chaos of illegal and illegal content such as "color, ugly, strange, fake, vulgar, and gambling". Some short video platforms are also in action. On July 19, Douyin announced that it had dealt with a batch of content and accounts suspected of deliberately showing off wealth, promoting high consumption, and comparing and enjoying other bad values. From July 1st to 18th this year alone, the platform has cleaned up 3,911 related illegal videos and punished 5 illegal accounts. From April 25 to May 8 this year, the Xiaohongshu platform handled more than 1,100 illegal content related to showing off wealth. When Xiaohongshu users search for keywords such as "Ferrari", "Bugatti", "Mansion", the page will display a prompt of "sincere sharing, rational consumption". A number of short video platforms have issued announcements stating that they will continue to crack down on content and accounts with bad values, such as worshipping money, showing off wealth, and comparing pleasures, and will continue to monitor and deal with relevant variants in a timely manner. In Zeng Chi's view, the platform is on the front line of Internet governance, that is, it should screen and limit the number of videos showing off their wealth, and educate and warn users who frequently publish relevant content. "In last year's 'Qinglang Action', the Cyberspace Administration of China has expressed its willingness to regulate rich videos, and its "Regulations on the Administration of Online Audio and Video Information Services" also stipulates that 'Internet audio and video information service providers and users should ...promote the core values ​​of socialism, and promote the formation of a positive, healthy and positive online culture'. At present, the relevant rules and regulations have been relatively sound, the key is that the platform needs to give up the view of traffic first and do its own work of supervision." Zeng Chi Say. Zhu Wei suggested that to curb the chaos of showing off wealth in short videos, continuous supervision and guidance of the regulatory authorities is required. The short video platform

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