Advertisement marketing service provider How can a company build a brand through the media?


Advertisement marketing service provider How can a company build a brand through the media? said that how much does it cost for corporate news media agency distribution? How to build a brand through the media? As the characteristics of soft text marketing "low investment, high cost performance, and excellent effect" have been exposed by many network marketing experts, more and more companies They have begun to pay attention to soft text marketing, but most companies carry out soft text marketing by themselves, but the effect has not reached the intended goal for a long time. Some of them are newbies who don’t have a clear understanding of soft-text marketing, but other companies have done it and imitated it themselves; the other part has a certain understanding of soft-text promotion, and only knows that the focus of soft-text marketing is on soft-text content, so they recruited Professional writers produce high-quality marketing content, and then publish it directly on the Internet without thinking about distribution channels. As you can imagine, good works without an excellent platform support will be buried 100% of the time. pointed out how much money does it cost to distribute corporate news media? How to build a brand through the media? Nowadays, soft text marketing is facing unprecedented challenges. Although the degree of emphasis has developed by leaps and bounds compared to before, for the company, the competition is gradually increasing, so it is necessary to avoid some mistakes and find a good marketing method to be more lean. Businesses grow. In this article, based on my many years of practical experience in soft text marketing, I will share with you the operational experience of successfully making soft text marketing! pointed out that the most important point is to let consumers see your sincerity. In the market, exaggerated and untrue advertisements abound. If you want to be successful and gain the trust of consumers, you must "look sincere". Whether it is copywriting or advertising, the first thing to do is to "look credible", so that consumers can trust you, so that they will think of you at the first time when they need it.

In terms of soft articles, news soft articles released by the media are an effective way to help companies build brand images, form a good market reputation, and enhance brand reputation.

Secondly, it is necessary to carry out marketing design according to the needs of consumers. The demand of consumers is the key to establish a relationship with the product. If the consumer has no demand, it is impossible to buy the product anyway. That is to say, when launching media, companies need to analyze the market, understand the audience covered by the product and the media platforms they will pay attention to.

Generally speaking, there are two types of consumer needs, one is explicit demand, that is, to buy products out of practicality, such as dressing and eating; the other is invisible demand, for this part of consumers, mainly Pay for the idea behind the product. said that when doing marketing design, you must clearly know what kind of needs you have, and then design in a targeted manner. If you choose to release news on the platform, you can easily filter industries and regions, making brand influence and press release more accurate. The platform has one-to-one professional marketing consultants to provide more targeted overall promotion planning. Help enterprises to easily handle the writing and promotion of soft articles.

Finally, what needs to be done is to excavate the points of interest of customers and carry out marketing innovation. Whether it is the banner of "China's Starbucks" played by the well-known Luckin Coffee, or the national trend cyberpunk style of domestic cosmetics, they all bring consumers a refreshing feeling, thus It attracts the interest of consumers and achieves the success of the brand.

If you want to do a good job in corporate advertorial marketing, high-quality advertorial content and distribution channels are indispensable. However, it is easy to find senior copywriters, but it is difficult to find professional promoters who understand marketing knowledge and how to find suitable marketing channels. Therefore, most companies now use Soft text publishing or soft text writing and distribution are handed over to third-party cooperation platforms. Speaking of this, many people want to know how much it costs to send soft texts? In fact, it is a matter of putting the cart before the horse if companies pay too much attention to the price and ignore the effect of soft texts.

How much does it cost to distribute corporate news media? How to build a brand through the media? How much is soft text delivery? At present, the soft text proxy distribution market has not formed a unified price standard in the industry, and each company has its own price standard for soft texts. Even if it is the soft text distribution price according to the industry's conventions, the weight of the news soft text distribution platform must be considered. The price of soft articles also increases step by step from ordinary small websites, self-media websites to local portal websites, local sub-stations of portal websites, and large portal websites. Moreover, the price span of these soft texts is relatively large, ranging from twenty or thirty yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Since the pricing is based on the weight of the platform, the higher the price of the proxy distribution, the better the effect of the release of the soft text. However, the low-price distribution channels cannot be said to be unacceptable. There are many soft text distribution services that are suitable for small and medium-sized Enterprises, low-cost and effective soft article distribution channels, such as: Baijiahao, Sohu, Netease, 360doc, Baidu Wenku, etc.

How much does it cost to distribute corporate news media? How to build a brand through the media? For the issue of soft text distribution, how to choose mainly depends on the actual situation of the enterprise. If the advertising budget of the enterprise is sufficient, high-priced distribution channels can be considered, which can quickly and effectively achieve the effect of soft text marketing. Small and medium-sized enterprises with ordinary budgets or no budget can also do so. Although it takes time to choose low-cost channels, the marketing effect is still considerable.

According to’s rich experience in news soft text marketing, soft text marketing properly makes up for the inadequacies of hard advertising, and guides consumers into brand promotion with the effect of hidden needles in the cotton, which plays an important role in shaping a perfect brand image . In addition, as a professional Internet integrated marketing agency, can also cooperate with soft text marketing by integrating other types of communication forms, such as the establishment of an entire network e-commerce platform, information flow advertisements on major Internet media, etc., to help Enterprises create a high-end brand image.


Beijing Jingkewang Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2007 and is headquartered in Beijing. It is a professional brand enterprise. Listed companies provide professional news soft article marketing, short video marketing, celebrity resources, expert resources and other network marketing services to build a network An Internet technology company marketing brand image, focusing on providing integrated Internet marketing services for brand enterprises. Comprehensively integrate Internet media resources, and through efficient operation modes such as rigorous planning, proper implementation, and precise promotion, we have helped corporate customers in various industries successfully achieve the goals of brand building, image building, and product promotion in the Internet field.

After 15 years of hard work and development, has formed a brand of "search engine marketing, information flow advertising, brand advertising, traditional advertising, news soft article marketing, forum marketing, Weibo marketing, WeChat marketing, SEO optimization, word of mouth communication, and Chinese domain names. (Chinese.Website domain name, Chinese.Mall domain name, Chinese.Mobile domain name)" and other comprehensive precise network integrated marketing services! Since its establishment 15 years ago, it has been standing on the cusp of the Internet era, grasping the lifeline of the development of the times, standardizing the integrated marketing of network promotion, the industry standard of news soft article marketing, and effectively disseminating. In the era of mobile Internet, based on the breadth and depth of the Internet, we provide multi-dimensional network promotion services, provide news and advertorial marketing for more than thousands of companies, integrate marketing methods to spread brands, monitor and optimize network operations, and realize brand building on the Internet for companies. and marketing goals. (

The Small Marketing Collective | MktLab

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